How to sell a used car that doesn’t run

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It can be a time consuming and sometimes confusing process to get the best scrap car price for your car.
BUT it doesn’t have to be!
If you are like me the first time I sold a non-runner car, you may not be looking forward to the process. But if you handle things right on your end, and the auto scrapyards handle things right on theirs it should be a smooth process.
And in today’s post, I’m going to show you what you need to do before you sell your car that does not run.


Here is a list of 5 important things you need to do before you sell your car that does not run

  1. Remove Personal Belongings 
    How to sell a used car that doesn't runCars are like houses. They tend to accumulate things over time. If you’ve owned your vehicle for a long time, you might have forgotten all the items that you’ve placed in your car at one time or another.When you sell your car to the scrapyard, it’s your responsibility to take out all the personal belongings before the tow truck arrives to pick up the vehicle. It’s tempting to leave items you no longer want inside the car, but that can cause problems with the transaction. A scrap car is not a dumpster, and the salvage yard can’t be expected to throw away all the stuff you’ve left in your car. It’s also much easier to overlook an important item if you don’t resolve to take everything out of the car.

    You’ll never get another chance of finding everything. So look everywhere in the car as well as in the usual spots like glove boxes and bins. Check under floor mats, above visors, and anywhere else you might have stashed important items. If you have a CD player installed in the car, take out all the disks. Don’t make the mistake of leaving things like insurance cards in the car because you don’t think you’ll need them anymore. That type of paperwork has too much personal information on it to leave it in a car that might change hands several times before it’s scrapped for good.

  2. Get Your Title In Order 
    You need to return license plates and cancel your insurance. The single most important thing you need to do is cancel the registration, once you sell your non-runner vehicle. You can sell your car without a title but it’s much harder.You should be especially wary of a scrapyard that doesn’t care if you have a title in hand. If you don’t cancel the registration of the car, once you sell to the scrapyard. You might incur liabilities because you technically still own the car, even though it’s been hauled away. In any case, it’s smart to inquire with the NZTA if you’re not sure of the regulations regarding sales to wrecking yards and scrap yards.
  3. Look for Valuable Components to Sell 
    If you’ve agreed on a price for your car with a scrapyard, you should turn it over to them in the condition that you described when you made the deal. However, if the price you’re able to get for your car doesn’t reflect much more than its scrap value, you may be able to remove a few valuable components from the car to make a few extra bucks. If you have expensive tires with a lot of treads left on them, you can purchase four balding tires on cheap rims and swap them for the more expensive tires on the car. Your car’s battery has resale value if it’s almost new, and recyclers will pay for the lead inside it even if it’s old. If you’re handy, you can remove electronic gear like GPS or stereo systems if they’re valuable.
  4. Remove the License Plates 
    Unlike when you sell a car on Trademe or Autotrader when you sell a car to a wrecking yard, the arrangements for pickup are often made in a hurry. If your car is disabled and parked at a location like a service station or tow yard, you might have trouble scheduling everyone to show up at the same time to complete your transaction. Time is money for the tow truck driver that’s sent to get your car, so it’s easy to overlook important details because everyone will be in a hurry. Make sure you remember to remove the license plates from the car before it’s towed away. You must return the license plates to the NZ Transport Agency before your registration can be cancelled, and you should also cancel your car insurance policy.
  5. Use Up Your Gasoline
    If your car is still running before you sell it to the scrapyard, you might want to use up the gasoline in the tank before you have it towed away. Depending on the size of the tank in your car or truck, the value of the gasoline in the tank can represent a substantial portion of the total value of the price you’re getting from the wrecking yard. If your car isn’t running, be careful if you attempt to syphon gasoline from the tank. Use only approved containers to carry the gas, and never start a syphon using your mouth. Don’t worry about the value of the gas to the junkyard. They’ll have to drain all the fluids out of your car before recycling or scrapping the parts, and gasoline in the tank is a nuisance for them.

Sell a Used Car That Doesn’t Run

Cash for Car NZ is leading used car buyer that doesn’t run. Sell your non-runner for cash to us. We pay top dollars for vehicles that do not run. To get instant cash for your non-runner vehicle. Talk to our vehicle buying team and get paid cash up to $12000.

Looking to sell a used car that doesn’t run? Call Now!! 0800224000


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